Is God Punishing Me?

Published: Jan. 25, 2022, 11 a.m.

I have heard people say that God is punishing them for their sins and bad decisions.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Most of the turmoil and hardships we endure is us living through the consequences derived from our actions, reactions, and decisions.

We understand the laws of gravity very well.  We know if we throw a ball up in the air that ball is going to come back down.  At no time do we begin to think or can even phantom that the ball will be just suspended in mid air.  Why? Because we know the  principles of gravity exist and are consistent.

The laws of gravity don’t take into consideration the color or size of the ball, if it goes up, its coming back down.

However, for some strange reason we think the principles of God will adjust according to how we feel, what we like or what makes us comfortable or uncomfortable, even after reading repeatedly in our Bibles that the Word of God never changes.

God’ Word and His principles give no credence to today’s timing, or trends, to the wealthy or to the poor, to the modest or to the boastful.

In Galatians 6:7-8, the scripture tells us to not be deceived, God will not be mocked. In other words God will not be made a fool of, or be called out as a liar, as it goes on to say for whatever one sows that he shall also reap.