In An Instant

Published: Oct. 23, 2022, 6 a.m.

You know we all have experienced progressive loss or growth at some point in our lives, and sometimes change is hard to deal with or difficult to become acclimated to. 

 But it is the situations that come and disrupt our lives in an instant, be they good or bad that throw us for a loop, baffles our minds, and oftentimes leave us absolutely speechless.

Life is a compilation of our choices and decisions, but we have no control over the changes that come, when they come, or the impact they will have.

Truth is our plans can derail, the trust we had in certain resources can fail or prove faulty, in an instant friendships and loyalties can shift and be redefined, and in an instant, our health can be lost.

On the flip side in an instant, we can experience unexpected elevations, as well as, an outpouring of blessing.  Also in an instant, healing can take place.  

Change, be it progressive or instantaneous, will test our faith and show in whom or where our faith lies.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.  Change is as consistent as the seasons. The question today is are you able to stand in the midst of change?