Imperfectly Perfect!

Published: Sept. 30, 2021, 10 a.m.

I want to talk to you this morning about walking out of your imperfections perfectly.  First and foremost we need to understand that how or what we deem as perfection is quite different from how God deems it.

We deem perfection based on “doing”, but God deems perfection based on “being”.  Let me explain, the flaw in our perspective of perfection is we put a heavy emphasis on the works of the flesh, what one does, what we can see with our eyes, count and measure with our hands.

Because of our flawed perspective, we find ourselves in unfavorable circumstances and unfavorable love and friendship relationships.

Think about it, if you ask most wy they like or love the person they are in a relationship, most time their list will begin with and in some cases even end with what that person does, how they measure the person character based on how they make them feel and based on this list they have proclaimed love for the person and deemed them as their perfect match.

Now let’s look at God’s perspective of perfection.  In God’s eyes, the definition of perfect is outlined in the fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Pay close attention to the wording of the scripture, notice we say “the fruits of the spirit”, which is incorrect, as the Word of God refers to the fruit of the spirit, singular, it's not a typo.  
These attributes are not a list of fruits but collectively are defined as the fruit of the spirit.  We can’t operate in one effectively and be committed to them all.   Think of it like this, there are many ingredients in a cake but they all come together to make one cake.

The attributes contained in the fruit of the spirit for lack of a better term, are not sold separately, they are not displayed or accessible via a buffet for your choosing.  The attributes of the fruit of the spirit are collectively one and only distributed as a package deal.