If GOD Knows All Then Why.....

Published: Oct. 13, 2021, 10 a.m.

We say God is omniscient, meaning one who knows all things.  The word omniscient is nowhere in the bible but the inference of God knowing all things in prevalent from Genesis to Revelation.  

Psalm 147:5  Great is our Lord,abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite. 
1 John 3:20 “for God is greater than our heart and knows all things”

There is no doubt lingering in regards to  God’s level of knowledge, however, the impact or the influence of His knowledge and our humanity rears up many valid questions.

I was recently asked if God knows everything then why pray, why does He ask questions, is our destiny already predetermined and last but not least if God knows everything does that negate our free will?

This morning I prayed as asked by the Holy Spirit to guide me to explain this in the simplest way possible.

First let’s talk about how intimidating it is when we truly embrace that  God knows our every thought. Iur angry thoughts, lustful thoughts, vengeful ideas, secret greed, and hidden coveting. God also knows our secret longings, hopeful desires, and private dreams. And He understands. 

Sometimes we are harder on ourselves than God is. Psalm 103:14 tell us that He knows we are frail humans made from dirt and born with a sin nature.  

However, at the same time we can also be too easy and carefree and not hold ourselves accountable regarding our thoughts. The bible tells us so a man thinketh so is he, which tells us our thoughts ought not be set on the things outside of the will and ways of God,

In Colossians 1:21 it speaks of our minds alienating us and making us enemies of God.  You know our ancestors used to say don’t go anywhere you don’t want to take God, because he is always with you, well this morning I am telling you don’t fix your minds on things and thoughts you don’t want to have an open conversation with God about.

 Let’s talk about the  core issue that remains on the table.  If God knows in advance how we will act, then most perceive that this means we cannot act other than in accordance with God's foreknowledge, so then we  cannot possibly have free-will.  Not so!
