ICE: God is calling us to put our lives on ice

Published: July 9, 2023, 3 p.m.

I want to tell you this morning that God is calling us to put our lives on ICE for the sake of His Kingdom.  I am talking about integrity, commitment, and execution.  All three of these characteristics hinge on the element of truth and how one handles and prioritizes truth in their life. 

ICE is often times used as a preservative, keeping things from spoiling in the heat.  And if truth be told, we live in a culture, where it's getting pretty hot. Hot with things that violate the mandate and the principles of God, and if we are not willing to put lives on ICE, we will become spoiled, tainted, and compromised by the heat. 

See the heat I am talking about is the heat that comes from complacency with sin, the heat that causes us to discount the truth and authenticity of the Bible, the heat that causes us to proclaim to be children of God, the heat I am talking about creates a boiling over of greed, jealousy, covetousness, and addictions.

The heat I am talking about keeps selfishness, anger, hatred, jealousy, racism, and sexism simmering. 

To be spoiled by these heat-generating behaviors, actions, and reactions, distance us from God and will disqualify us from entering the Kingdom of God.

If you understand and see this heatwave, you then understand its time to prepare ourselves to put our lives on ICE for the glory of God, so that we are preserved and the temperature rises all around us.