Hey Soldier

Published: Nov. 16, 2022, 3 a.m.

You know the perfect metaphor for “Christian life” is the enlisting of one in the army.  Upon enlistment, the soldier immediately surrenders control of his or her life.  Where the enlistee lives, when he or she moves, what clothing they wear, how they behave, and what he or she will do, are all given over to the commanding officers to decide.

Being a Christian requires the same level of surrender. And the surrender is voluntary because no one is ever drafted, as a soldier in God’s army service is always voluntary.  However, the term of service is not limited to 4 years, 10, or 20 years, it is a lifetime commitment.  Without surrendering a soldier is not useful to the army and a Christian is not useful to God.

We tend to not totally surrender our lives to Christ because we don’t want to sacrifice our civilian pursuits, you know the things we possess, the habits we have acquired, or the attitudes we have come to live by.

2 Timothy 2:4 tells us “ No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him”.

We insist on doing things our way while enlisted in God’s army which is equivalent to insubordination, in the actual military penalties could include: dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of pay and allowances, and/or. confinement of up to 3 years, but because of God’s grace and mercy we have not suffered any penalties.  He won’t discharge us, as he promises to never leave or forsake us, he continues to provide for us and does not restrict or revoke our free will with any confinement.

The world in which we live presents many civilian attributes to pursue, and please know God has no problem with us having stuff, even position and titles.  What He, our commander and chief has a problem with is when we allow stuff, positions, and titles to determine, “righteousness”.  

There is no righteousness outside of the will and ways of God.  Contrary to popular belief, any valued truth is godly, for God is truth as His word proclaims, I am the truth and the life.

The first command in God’s army is in Matthew 6:33 which reads, seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness.  I encourage you to take inventory of what you pursue, what you value, and where your faith lies and then fall in line as a soldier.  
