Published: May 9, 2021, 5 p.m.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the women who birth a child from their womb and also to those who have nurtured and stood in the gap and mothered from their heart.  

As we continue to do things differently, I chose to pre-record this message and release it earlier than our regularly scheduled service time, so that everyone could listen to it at their preferred time.  I am not going to keep you long today, because I want you to enjoy your mother’s, honor them, be honored, and enjoy some genuine quality time with your families.  

 Let us pray as we prepare our hearts for the word:  Father God we come before you asking you to open our ears, hearts, and minds to receive your word.  Let your word resonate in our spirits and let our spirits challenge us to change, shift, and become more aligned with your word and your purpose for our lives.  Amen

 I am not taking anything away from men and the incredible fathers out there, but it takes an incredible woman to wear the badge of motherhood.  God’s perfect design for family involves unconditional love, a man and a woman, but as humans we are flawed, we don’t always follow God’s plan and we are incapable of perfection.

 I have heard people say when it comes to parenting, you just do the best you can because babies don’t come with a manual.  The definition a manual is a book of instructions, to guide one through the setup and operation of a specific item or procedure.  A manual is designed to be helpful as it shares with one the mind of the creator so one can better understand the full purpose, and features as designed.

 In a manual there is usually a troubleshooting section and a frequently asked question section, to assist with any malfunction or mistakes in programming or using an item.  Today our phones are like mini-computers in the palm of our hands, we have streaming media on our high definition televisions at home, and most of us although we purchased these items for the features advertised, we never actually engage in all of their benefits, because we never take the time to read the manual.  

 We would just set it up, connect the power and would rather fumble around and learn of the features as we go and through trial and error.  I don’t know about you, some of you may have done everything by the book, but not me, like some of you I knew the manual was available, and it was accessible, but I chose to just fumble my way through and learn the true benefits of the features allot me as a child of God through trial and error.

 So I say to all of those who say children don’t come with a manual.  The manual was accessible to the parents before the child came. The problem is we connected the power, and chose to wing it and the sections of the manual we chose to read, we oftentimes fail to apply.  

 You ever buy something that needs assembling and you just look at the parts and the picture and wing it,  reading just the highlights in the manual and wonder why after we have assembled the unit we have screws left over.

 On yesterday, I released a pre-Mother’s Day tribute and it talked about the love of a mother and ended with a musical tribute acknowledging the impact of a mother’s love.

I want to move from the love of a mother, and talk to you today about the character of a mother as outlined in the manual, the bible, the book that outlines the mind of our Creator.

 You know it's never too late to go back and look at a manual to learn more about operating and using an item. And it is definitely never too late to go back and read as a matter of fact study God’s manual because it provides us links and direction for ongoing upgrades.

