Happy Father's Day 2021

Published: June 20, 2021, 4 p.m.

Today, I want to talk to you briefly about the role of fathers.  In order to effectively speak on such an important role, we have to refer to the human life manual.  I want to tell you about the struggles, challenges, and victories of some of the fathers in the bible.

You know I really don’t understand those who say they find the bible boring, when it’s filled with stories that supersede any movie and any reality show, you’ll see what I am talking about in just a moment.

I must open and close this message with the most important father figure in the Bible and that is God the Father—the ultimate role model for all human dads. His love, kindness, patience, wisdom, and protectiveness are impossible standards for any human father to live up to. Fortunately for us, he is also forgiving, understanding, and one who repeatedly answers the prayers of fathers'.

 The first human father was  Adam.  He had no role model, the only father figure in his life was God, can you imagine the pressure when your only role model is perfect, sinless, and with one single flaw
