God Wants & Needs You To Be Successful

Published: Jan. 23, 2022, 2 p.m.

IMAGINE how much less turmoil you would have had in your life if you had vetted every decision you’ve made according to the Word of God.  IMAGINE establishing plans based on the wisdom outlined in the scriptures regarding love, relationships, finance, friendships, worship and intimate time with God.  IMAGINE if you lived every moment of every day conscientious of God’s presence, not as a warden, judging your mistakes, but as an ever present helper.  IMAGINE if you could just always remember that your only true confidant is always there with you, that the one who Created the heavens and earth, the one who humn the moon and stars, walks with you everywhere, and is rooting for your success.

The bottom line is God wants, God needs you to be successful.  Have you ever been around a disgruntled employee? They are unproductive, negative, terrible for public relations and they bring the spirit of those around them down.

God needs success servants in the Kingdom, it's a good marketing strategy.  God knows the human mind well enough to understand success draws attention.  The problem he seems to have with Kingdom servants is we tend to get hung up in the hoopla of our little successes, and turn our attention away from the plans and purpose of God.

But when we pursue success or turn after achieving a little success from the principles of God, we then become conformed to the ways of the world making us useless to the Kingdom.

God wants and needs us to reek with success so that it causes the lost, the unbeliever and the undecided to begin to thirst after true success which his servants exhibit can only come from and through him.
