God Heard Your Prayer

Published: Oct. 24, 2022, midnight

God hears our prayers.  We tend to think our prayers are going unanswered when God didn’t grant our wish, our way.  The truth is every prayer you ever uttered has been answered.  Always be mindful that God doesn’t grant wishes, His priority is the building of His Kingdom, so each and every request that comes before Him, it’s not that He doesn't want us to have the desires of our hearts, He needs to be able to see how our request fit into His Kingdom plans.  

So some prayers are answered with a yes, with a no, with a wait, or with a not now, but they are all answered.  The best way for our prayers to be manifested requires us to align our desires and our ways with His will and His Word.

The spouse you have been praying for,  how will your marriage magnify the Kingdom of God?

The job you have been praying for how will that job and or your income magnify the Kingdom of God?

How will the house you have been praying about magnify the Kingdom of God?

God heard your prayer.  I want to close with Matthew 6:33 which read seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
