GOD don't make no junk

Published: July 26, 2023, 9 a.m.

You know I think we oftentimes we forget or take for granted who we are as creations of God.  Let's start with the mind of mankind.  Our brain is different from any other mammal as God has given us the ability to reason, process languages, the awareness of self and we have a conscience.  

And we have the awesome power to be able to use our brains to create music, stories, lyrics, curriculum, art, architecture, spaceships, submarines, as a matter of fact, did you know that it is not possible to imagine the impossible, if you can imagine it is possible.

Let that marinate for a moment… the very fact that you can imagine something, whatever it is, makes it possible. 

And because we are the only creation God created in His own image and likeness, we are the only creatures of God’s creation that possess a soul.  The soul is the part of a human being that lasts eternally after the body experiences death. 

In Genesis 35:18 the scripture describes the death of Rachel who was Jacob’s wife saying she named her son “as her soul was departing”.  From this we know that the soul is different from the body and that it continues to live after physical death.  

The human soul is the center of your being.  You don’t have a soul, you are a soul.  The human soul is distinct from the heart and the spirit and the mind, it can be strong or unsteady, it can be lost or saved.  

The human soul needs atonement which is reconciliation with God.  In other words the creation needs to be reconnected and restored to and through the Creator, so that it can effectively fulfil it’s created purpose.  In Lev 17:11 it reads for the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the alter to make atonement for your souls.

I am telling you this morning God don’t make no junk.  We tend to dish out and settle for junk in our lives but you were created from the mastermind of God with a purpose, nothing is outside of your abilities, if your mind can conjure up an imagine, you have the power to call your heart, soul and all of your physicalities in to alignment turn the fruit of imagination it a bountiful harvest.

I heard someone say a few days ago as they talked about someone whose challenges and the way of this world has consumed them, and this person referred to them as a spawn from hell. I want to make this clear, stop it,  we give the devil so much credit. Satan cannot give life, so there is no such thing as a spawn from hell.  Again Satan cannot give life and God don't make no junk.

If some of you had lived in the biblical days and heard about or crossed the paths of Paul before his damascus road experience, we likely would have plagued him as a spawn from hell. Paul was guilty and proud of being one who imprisoned and killed those who sought to follow Jesus. 

But because there is no demonic influence God cannot overcome.  After Paul’s Damascus Road experience he committed his life to Christ the very one He ridiculed and God used him to complete missionary journeys, plant and establish the foundation of the church, and  preach the gospel.  Paul is also the author of 13 books of the New Testament. 

Don’t be so quick to give up on someone because they maybe on the wrong path, or because they are more committed to Satan’s agenda than God, we were all made in the image and likeness of God, even though that image may get tainted.  
