Flipping Your Dreams For Profits

Published: March 6, 2021, 11 a.m.

Flipping your dream into profit, is simply transitioning from a dreamer into a visionary.  Dreamers are full of ideas, bouncing from one dream to the next.  I can speak on this because, this was me, my family and friends will tell you that I have worked in so many different industries, had a multitude of businesses, and did well in everything I set my mind to, and made quite a bit of money, but because I never embraced a vision for my life, everything I went after soon bored me, or  because it was not grounded in vision I easy distracted and abandoned whatever the flavor of the month was.

The difference is visionaries have a determined focus, that has been examined, studied, planned, structured and more importantly incorporates their individual gifts and God ordained purpose.  

See, a visionary is someone who tells you of their plans for the future and then spends the next 10 years committed to, plotting and implementing a well thought out plan, while facing obstacles and avoiding distractions.

Why is it important that we teach believers about the pursuit of vision? Because vision and purpose align to manifest in accordance with God’s Kingdom agenda, which is slated in the mandate of dominion.

To truly walk in dominion, bringing the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, every believer needs to pursue vision, using their God ordained purposes to accomplish what God has “purposed” for mankind and that is to dominate earth.

We need believers who are souled out and committed to the Kingdom of God to occupy every business sector, every industry, every level of politics, education and so forth. And to do so with a Kingdom mindset that is rooted in integrity, righteousness, and undergirded by the mandates of our King.

 Imagine having believers standing in positions of authority, able to hire, teach, recruit, and lend, unwavering on the Word of God, being the example of the Kingdom, then and only then will there be a culture shift and then the Kingdom of God will have dominion over the earth.  
