Fill Your Prescription

Published: Dec. 29, 2020, 11 a.m.

Think about it this way, God already knows all our stuff, He is just waiting for us to be transparent enough to lay our stuff at His feet, so that he can pick up our burdens, transform our fears, readjust our issues.  God has promised to take what the devil meant for evil, what the devil meant to destroy us and turn it around for our good.

But God will never be guilty of trespassing, we have to invite Him in. our invitation for him to come in and interfere with our lives is our first step of faith.  Now we know faith without works is dead, the problem is we never move into works, because our faith is not secure and the insecurity of our faith rests and is evident in our inability to be totally transparent in our prayers.

God I was wrong, God I keep messing up, God help me discipline myself with my finances, God help me discipline my flesh so I don’t continue to sin against you.  These are the kinds of prayers than usher us into that secret place with God.  He’s been keep your secrets long enough, but the time has come that you and Him talk about them, the time has come that ask the Doctor of Doctors to provide a prescription for you, but you must first tell him where it hurts, what’s not working, what’s aching, and what is making you nauseous.

God is waiting, His offices are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week, no appointment is ever necessary.  The only hold up is you.

Prayer is simply a conversation with one that knows you better than you know yourself, a conversation with the only one who can fix anything.

Prayer is the key that turns on the light and block out the night.