Published: June 21, 2022, 4 a.m.

Faith and belief are two sides of the same coin, but not interchangeable.  

To believe in something means based on the information you have gathered you are confident concerning certain facts.  But faith embraces a mental persuasion that causes a shift in our mindsets, faith engulfs a soulistic conviction, faith makes us walk with a demeanor of confidence.

When you look at faith vs belief, it's like the difference between living with someone for 5 years vs being married for 5 years.  Belief mirrors a casual relationship which may have commitment, but not a conviction.  On the other hand, faith operates solely on conviction. Belief will keep you engaged, while faith will consume you.  Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen

Belief is based on what can be seen, or what has been taught.  Faith, especially faith in God rests on hope driven by conviction of the soul whose substance is built on an internal connection made in our soul, usually spearheaded by personal experience.

The evidence of things not seen; when everything is upside down, when you can seem to figure it out, when your bank account is negative, when you have applied for so many jobs that you’re doubling up on applications.

But it is a sincere faith in God that won’t let you give in a negative perspective, when people begin to throw you a pity party, when you are determined despite what it look like I won’t compromise my integrity regardless of the promised return, nor will I LAY or play with someone just to take the edge off my struggle.

True faith is determined by what we’re able to sacrifice and walk away from despite the circumstances. 2 Corinthians 5:7, we walk by faith not by site.