Excuse For Sexual Sin?

Published: Oct. 27, 2021, 10 a.m.

This is a question that was posed and it threw me for a loop for two reasons; one, because sin is pretty straightforward and uncut.  The second reason this question threw me for a lot is because I was trying to think of the mindset of the one who submitted the question.  And what possible situation the person posing the question could think of that would excuse sexual sin.

We live in a world where sex is handled in such a casual manner, it is just as much of the dating process as going to dinner and holding hands, as a matter of fact, dinner and hand holding is no longer even a prerequisite to sex. 

Sexual behavior is considered a personal choice, aligning with the decision of whether to buy a house or rent a condo. At the same time, popular opinion has ALL BUT  removed the word sin from our culture’s vocabulary. The only sexual expression considered “wrong” is what is deemed distasteful to the one defining it.

Fortunately, man has never been given the privilege of defining sin. The One who created sexuality also has the right to set the boundaries for it, and the Bible is clear about the guidelines.  

I like to compare sex to electricity.  Electricity is a phenomenal invention, without it we would stagnate professionally, and in every aspect of our personal lives.  However, as great as electricity is, it doesn’t come free; someone has to pay the cost for it to remain consistent in any situation.  Electricity also has the ability to be influential in providing pleasure as well as pain.

Electricity also comes with boundaries, and rules, which if disobeyed or ignored could lead to death, irrevocable damage, destruction of property, and ultimately darkness.

When God created Adam and Eve, He joined them together in marriage and pronounced it “very good”.  At that time, God introduced sexuality and set the boundaries for its expression. God created a union between a husband and wife that He called “becoming one flesh”.

 God designed male and female bodies differently so that they could come together in an act of physical intimacy, an act that joins them together like  pieces to a puzzle coming together to make one complete picture of beauty. 

The act of becoming one creates a new entity: a family. This powerful force of sex was designed as a gift from God to bring forth new life and lay the foundation for the establishing a godly culture shaped and form out of godly families, upon which God’s intention was to strengthen His Kingdom. 

God then defined any sexual activity outside of the husband-wife relationship as a violation of His gift.  Hence making Fornication, homosexuality, pornography, and lust all violations of God’s intent when He created the sexual act.

Now we are all aware that everything God creates as good, to bless us, Satan perverts. When we use sexuality for entertainment or for the sole purpose of satisfying our lust, we cheapen the beauty of this gift and defy the One who designed it.  Any time you violate, cheapen or take for granted what God created to bless you there are consequences of our sin. 
