EMERGENCY MESSAGE - Are You Under Attack?

Published: April 12, 2022, 1 a.m.

I have been recently plagued with questions about spiritual warfare, people who have reason to believe they are under attack and then hearing all kinds of ways some say we should deal with spiritual warfare.  

Spiritual warfare is definitely real, however, what concerns me and vexes my spirit is it has also become a catchphrase amongst believers, to the point where I worry about the reality of it has been so taken out of context that we have discredited how we should fight when actually on the battlefield, warring for our souls. If you are not prepared and properly equipped and take a knife to a gun fight, you will lose. 

This is what we need to understand about spiritual warfare, it didn’t just start in your lives, the day you were born ignited a war.  Please understand that our souls are the most valuable asset of our being. 

And should be protected at all costs, and the best way to insure protection is to heed to the Word of God. Everything God has instructed us not to do, declared a sin or an abomination has been done to protect our soul and to preserve our very being for His Kingdom. 

Every sin, every violation to the Word of God, the moment we get comfortable in our sin, Satan comes off the sidelines of the battlefield in the war ignited upon our birth and begins live combat. It.  The sins we wallow in, the ungodly things we allow to consume us, and allow ourselves to be comfortable with are gateways and open invitations for Satan to come after our very souls and the weapons he uses we have issued him licenses to use.

Satan wants your spirit, your character, your integrity, your confidence, your rest, your peace, and your faith.  Don’t be deceived, Satan isn’t after your stuff.
