Drowning In A Pool of Talent

Published: June 14, 2022, 11 a.m.

Drowning is defined as suffocating by immersion in a liquid, usually water. What happens when someone drowns is water covers the victim's mouth and nose cuts off the body's supply of oxygen. And when the body is  deprived of oxygen, and the victim can no longer struggle, he or she will lose consciousness, their lungs will fill up  and  he or she will sink to the bottom and die.

Shockingly enough, drowning is the third leading cause of accidental death in the U.S.-can be prevented with proper education and intervention.  

Are you someone who has many talents? Do you know quite a bit about a lot of different things, have a massive amount of skill in several areas, but seem lost.  Everyone around says you should be a millionaire with the wealth of knowledge you have and with all the skills you possess.  But you can’t seem to get a real grasp on anything?

You are drowning in a pool of talents. Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body is consumed with talent and skills to the point where its cutting off your ability to thrive and you or no one else can seem to figure out why is it someone with all this talent, all this skill, all this knowledge can’t seem to keep their head above water long enough to master the art of keeping their head above water.

The key is you need to start swimming.  Swimming is the ability to use a propelling force to push the body through water utilizing the combined motions of one’s  arms and legs and the natural flotation of the body.

Understand this when someone starts out swimming they have a goal, maybe it's just to get from one side of the pool to the other side of the pool.  They get into the pool and begin to use the strategies of swimming to guide, and push them to the goal which is the other side.

The same applies with your many talents. 

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, 

You have to put a strategy in place, you have to gain the knowledge and apply intervention to keep from drowning in your own talents. Set your sights on one goal, then use all of your talents to help you achieve that goal. The problem with those with many talents is we tend to strike out trying to put all those talents to work individually, which is suffocating, overload and before we know it, we begin to drown and though we survive death, our efforts never manifest into anything that sustains.

If this is you stop, pause, get into a quiet place, turn your phone off and ask yourself what is the goal, what is it you are destined to do.  That alone is sometimes a lot to answer.  The best way to sum that up is ask yourself, if money wasn’t an issue and I could do anything purposeful what would it be.  1 Peter 4:10 

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace

The next step, do what the Word of God says in Habakkuk 2:2, write the vision and make it plan.   Write down your talents and begin to create a plan on how you can utilize your talents to fulfill your purpose driven goal, that is the art of swimming.
