Don't Toss Away Your Inheritance

Published: Oct. 24, 2021, 10 a.m.

When I was the youth director at my former church, our  teen ministry had a “board of directors” made up of teens that kept us in the loop as to teen life, so that we could minister to them more effectively.  You know names mean something, in some cases your name ties you to your legacy.  

We decided that our teen ministry needed a name that would tie them to their spiritual legacy.  We discussed scriptures and the goals of our teen ministry and allowed the teen board of directors to come up with 3 names they deem suitable for the teen ministry and then we presented those names to the rest of the teens and allowed them to vote on the name of the ministry.  They decided on “Heirs To The Throne”.

My former Pastor and myself were so delighted when they unanimously voted to be called “Heirs To The Throne”, because of how impactful it is to know who you are, your place, your legacy and what you are entitled to. (the importance of history -what are you tied to)

We have been studying Galatians, for the same reason. It is imperative as believers that we understand who we are in the Kingdom of God and even more importantly whose we are in the Kingdom of God.  

We look around and people, are running a muck, priorities distorted, values almost non-existent, women prostituting themselves, either outright or on the low.  Our men have been deceived and have no sense of what it means to be a man.  (because they are not tied to anything, don’t really know their capabilities, are disconnected from the triumphs of their legacies that came before them)

We have men and women who say they believe in God, but don’t present themselves, physically, spiritually, or emotionally, like they are tied to who the Almighty is.  

In the entire book of Galatians Paul is trying to explain to those who are Heirs to The throne because of their salvation, that they are discounting the jewels of their inheritance by operating as if their own works, impress the one who their inheritance came from.

What impresses a King is when their heirs understand and embrace the magnitude of what they have been gifted, what they are entitled to by no efforts of their own, what they have complete access to by just being born into royalty.  

We have all heard of the tiff with Prince Harry and him distancing himself from his royal position.  Without even exploring the rightness  or wrongness, or any justification of what and why he chose to distance himself, you can best believe the attitude of the Kingdom is not favorable because they deem him as ungrateful for what was given him because of his birthright.

As children of God we have a birthright.  Galatians 4:28-29 You and I, dear brothers, are the children that God promised, just as Isaac was. 29 And so we who are born of the Holy Spirit are persecuted now by those who want us to keep the Jewish laws, just as Isaac, the child of promise, was persecuted by Ishmael, the slave-wife’s son.