Don't Make The Government Your GOD

Published: June 8, 2022, 6 a.m.

Many times we have some fanatics who want to take the bible and interpret it to serve their agenda and to elevate their opinions.  I want to tell you that this kind of manipulation is demonic and blasphemous.

And any of you who have been following Bible Deliverance know that stress over and over the importance of every confessed believer studying the bible themselves.  

Stop allowing Satan to plague your mind with the concept that the bible is boring. Find you a translation befitting your style of learning and study.

I never understood how anyone can proclaim the bible to be boring, even before I picked up the mantle of ministry, I never considered the bible boring.

 If truth be told, I just preferred doing other things than reading the bible, and I also knew that if I began to study the Word of God it would convict me concerning the lifestyle I was living which was outside of the will of God.  

I am not judging, just telling you where I was and what my plight was.

But boring, how?  When it is literally filled with every issue, every sin, every mindset we are dealing with today.  In biblical times they might not have had technology, but they made their gods with their hands just like we do today… some of yall will get what I’m saying in a minute.

But today, what I want to talk about is not making the government your God.  

Romans 13:1 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities” 

and then in 

Acts 5:29 “But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men”.  

 Is the bible contradicting itself…. Not at all.  

The second sentence of Romans 13:1 reads  “For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God”.

Now you’re likely really confused as you try to make sense out of the government coming from God, especially when you look at our government today.  

 Let me help you make sense out of it all.