Don't Dumb Down The Word of God

Published: July 28, 2021, 10 a.m.

We live in a society where if we are not careful, we will fall for the tricks of the enemy that prompt us to "dumb down" the word of God.  What we have to remember is the Word of God transcends time, we don't serve a God who changes based on the trends of this world.

We have become so democracy-minded, that we take no considerations that we serve the King of Kings and our desire is to spend eternity in His Kingdom.  In a Kingdom we have no vote, in a Kingdom, our voice does not count.  In a Kingdom, what the King says do you do and what the Kings says don't do you don't do, plain and simple.

Now we always have a choice whether to obey the mandates of our King or not, but what we are not privy to, is changing His mandates or adjusting HIs Word.