Don't Count Your Money

Published: Feb. 2, 2022, 11 a.m.

Ecc 10:9 reads, “wine makes the heart merry but money answereth all things”.  Now don’t get excited, that scriptures does not mean even close to what many think it does.  

King Solomon who is the author of the book of Ecclesiastes was on his deathbed making confessions of his wrongs and in this passage he confesses to having a flawed mindset and in the very next verse he asks the people to not be angry with him for leading them with such a warped mindset.

If money was the answer to all things, what need would we have for God, what was the need for Jesus to sacrifice His life on the cross, and why was he adamant about sending us the Holy Spirit as a helper.

Not only is money not the answer to all things, it is not the answer to most things.

Money can buy you a palace filled with priceless items, but can’t buy you love and respect to resonate in those walls to make that palace a home.

Money can buy you access to the finest physicians and healthcare but cannot buy you health.

Money can buy you a bed made of solid gold, but can’t buy you a moment of rest or inner peace.

Money will attract legions of people but can’t buy the treasure of one true friend.

Money can buy you the most elaborate and expensive cross to wear around your neck but can’t buy you a savior for your soul.

Money can buy you a church pew with your name engraved in gold script but can’t buy you a ticket into heaven.

King Solomon was the richest monarch in ancient Israel, so rich the hinges on the doors of his stables were plated with gold, yet in Ecc 5:10 He wrote these words, “ Whoever loves money will never have enough, and whoever loves wealth will never be satisfied”  

And the reason the words of King Solomon ring true is because money can never buy the priceless essentials required to complete us.

Don’t count your money, success is knowing that what God uniquely created you for you are pursuing with all your heart, mind, body and soul.  Now money and wealth can be a result or outcome of that success, but money can never stand alone and be a success.  So don’t count your money, commit yourself to fulfilling God’s purpose for you