Do You Have a PASTOR?

Published: Sept. 26, 2021, 1 p.m.

First and foremost before we enter into the word of God, please know this message is not a solicitation for me to become your pastor, however, it is a solicitation for everyone to become spiritually covered.  We are living in a time when "church" is being done outside of the traditional parameters we are accustomed to and in all honesty, there is absolutely nothing wrong with change. We as a people have a tendency to want things to remain familiar, predictable, and essentially within our control.  

But if we think about it and research the Word of God all of those things are contrary to the character of God and don't align with the will of God.  The ways of the world are what is most familiar, what does God say about the ways of the world, He is clear that we should not accept the ways of the world as His will and we should not conform to the ways of the world.  

\We certainly know God not to be a predictable God. Isaiah 55:8 God tells us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. But we yearn for "predictability". Why because if we can predict it we feel like we can control it.