Developing A Winning Mindset

Published: April 20, 2023, 3 a.m.

Day in and day out, I hear people talk about their goals, desires, and dreams, which are usually followed by comments of defeat.  Things like if I had this, or knew this one, or if I was better at this, or if I could do this then I could…And the kicker statement is… I have been just praying for a miracle, praying God opens some doors or releases his favor on me.

Winners don’t pacify defeat; winners are not just dreamers; winners are more than talk.  Winners are doers.  A winning athlete understands the hard work it takes to secure a win and the determination and focus required to be declared a champion.

Ecclesiastes 5:33 A dream comes with much business and a fool's voice with many words. In other words, stop talking about your dreams and complaining about your inability to fulfill them. Fulfilled dreams require that you be about your business, begin working on them, make the sacrifices, and elevate your level of determination.

I talk to people every day who have dreams of owning their own business, but they profess to need more start-up capital to move forward.  And guess what? They live and embrace that excuse, and guess what? They will likely die never owning that business and fulfilling their dream.  Why? Because they accepted defeat.

Sometimes our biggest enemy is our dreams.  Why do I say that? Because we have envisioned exactly how we think everything should play out. We envision success but never plug in the plan for obstacles, never pull in the plan that includes the what if and the stumbling blocks. And because we dream big, we think we have to have all the finances intact, and we don’t put enough thought into downsizing our dream to get it off the ground.