Dessert Before Dinner

Published: Dec. 1, 2020, 11 a.m.

Desert before dinner, if you were raised in my mother’s house that was not even a permissible option.  But as we get grown and move outside of the confines of our parents' restrictions, we tend to explore and try some of the nonpermissible things, like desert before dinner.

The concept is to have dessert before dinner, so that you don’t miss out on satisfying that sweet tooth because you were too full  from dinner to enjoy it.  We have created a culture whereby people are OK with enjoying what they have not earned, have not worked for, nor do they truly understand.

If it feels good, makes us look good, or gets us noticed then let’s do it is the mindset of our culture. Proverbs 12:24 The hand of the diligent will rule.  The principle that we seem to miss, thanks to the temptations of Satan is that you can gather stuff, even become envied by others and still not rule, still not walk in the fullness of God's purpose.  To just go after stuff regardless of its manmade value is a cheap ticket to nowhere.