Delivering The Basics

Published: Oct. 29, 2023, 3 a.m.

I want to deliver to you the basics, as I talk to you about something so basic, so obviously important to a believer, but also so casually addressed, and so wavering in our consistency.  I am talking about the reality of God. 

Some of you are likely saying Pastor I believe in God, you don’t have to convince me there is a God.  And that’s good but sometimes we have to be reminded of the depth of the very essence of God and what that actually means to us as believers.

Many of us believe in God and don’t have to be convinced there is a God but can’t talk to a skeptic or unbeliever about the character of God outside of what He has done for us.

Yes, be happy, and share your testimony, but know that God is so much bigger than what he’s done in your life.  He was here before each one of us and will be here beyond each of our lives and it is important that we are able to share God, the very essence of His being with others.  It’s our conversations that are essential in the building of the Kingdom of God