Decisions & Choices

Published: Dec. 8, 2021, 11 a.m.

You know when you are young and your parents and grandparents try to instill a little wisdom in you, you reject it, discounting their words and old folk tales and old timey irrelevant rhetoric.  But as you mature and go through some valley, and endure some of the bumps and bruises life brings you come to realize that maybe they knew what they were talking about, as some of their old sayings begin to make sense.

My dad used to tell me all the time that life is about choices, every part of our lives is about one choice after another.  Choices what to do when things are tough, even when everything seems to be falling in line, a choice of how to respond to this situation or that issue, we have to make a choice even as to whether we align our truth with the  Word of God or proclaim our own truth.

Practically everyday I find myself in conversations where I am helping people maneuver through their lives and the simplest most popular response of Christians is pray.  Pray is awesome, I wouldn’t want to face life in this world without having an open line of communication with God.  But can we just be real for a moment, most times when we are faced with a situation, that requires a decision, our first inkling is not to pray and the reason why is because we feel like when we pray, that requires patience and although patience my be a virtue, we have not programmed our spirit or our mindset to embrace virtuousness, so here we sit facing an issue, with no patience.

Somebody say, so what do we do Pastor?  I hear you all out there and I am going to tell you what to do.  What I am about to tell you all is only for those who truly believe in God, who understand and embrace his omnipotence, meaning that He is all powerful and His omniscience, meaning he is all knowing and his omnipresence, mean that He is everywhere in every time and space.  

Now if that is you then here is my advice to you when you are faced with having to make some tough choices. Make your decisions, make your choices as if God Himself is manifested in the flesh right there beside you.  See it’s easy to forget the omnipresence of God because our flesh is inclined to operate according to the principle of out of sight out of mine.  But when you pause for a moment and come to terms with your love of God you will embrace the covenant relationship that he has made with you which promises each one of us that He will never leave or forsake us, we may forsake him but he will never forsake us, we may leave or ignore His presence, but he will never leave or ignore our presence. 

So whatever is on your plate approach it with the truth that God is right there with you, he can see you, hear you and even knows your heart. Let your faith in who He is as God steer your decisions with wisdom and humility,  not selfish or ungodly agenda.

Believer or should I say Christian love to quote Isaiah 54:17 which proclaims no weapon form against me shall prosper. But rarely do you hear people finish that versus which goes on to say “This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord. See no weapon form against servants of the Lord shall prosper.  Servants of the Lord live their lives and guide their decisions to please Him above all else. And no weapon formed against those who see to please Him in all they do will ever prosper.

It’s true life is about one decision after another, and it's your decisions that reveal who you serve.