Created For God's Glory

Published: April 13, 2023, 1 a.m.

Isaiah 43:7 Everyone who is called by my name, I created for my glory

Life busies itself all around us. The very atmosphere of the world in which we live is filled with distraction, demand after demand, and noise that goes beyond what we can hear but what convolutes the essence of our existence.

To embrace that we were created for God’s glory and govern our lives according to requires discipline, intentional effort, and a sincere relationship with God.  

Think about it for a moment; I mean, really think about it.  If we were created to give God glory, then whatever we declare as our purpose as our life’s goals should give God glory.

We tend to look out for what is good for us.  What feels good to us, what magnifies us, what we can get compensated for.  And all of that is fine because although we serve a jealous God, he is not a selfish God.

What do you mean, Pastor? God’s jealousy rises when we put anything before Him, when other things become our priority when we essentially forget the truth that we were created for Him.  However, at the same time, God is not selfish; he wants us to enjoy life, have the best experience, and indulge in laughter and fun.

Where we fall off the rails is we buy into what Satan offers as we think to win at life, someone has to lose, so we operate from a self-centered perspective. We tend to think to have the best is only worth it when we have more than those who have the least, and what we have adopted as the principles for our laughter and fun tends to align more with the standards set by the world than those set by God.

It does not give God glory when we are entertained by arrogance, blasphemy, anger, disputes, and disrespecting another person.  It does not give God glory when we would rather boast division if it deems to get us what we want.  It does not give God glory when we seek positions of hierarchy to control and manipulate.  It does not give God glory when we put more value on the making of dollars than the saving of our souls.

In John 17:4, Jesus is talking to  God, and Hw utters these words, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.”