CHANGE: Not An Option

Published: Aug. 26, 2023, 4 a.m.

Joshua went down in history as the one who escorted the Israelites into the Promised Land because when circumstances beyond his control presented themselves, he was able to adapt and didn’t shun change.

Life is all about change, growth, sunny days, cloudy days, and yes even rainy days, with yesterday looking different than the day before and tomorrow requiring something different from us than today.

One’s inability to embrace positive change stops growth and halts God’s ordained purpose.  An inability to embrace change is a crippling handicap that labels one as stagnant.

Think of it this way, we know water is absolutely indispensable for human life, but at the same time, all water will not sustain life.  Stagnant water can compromise the quality of life and even kill.  A state of stagnancy goes against the very principle of life.