Can You Keep A Secret?

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 11 a.m.

As we go through our daily lives seeking to please God, we must be sure not to get in our own way.  

Everything that we do because of the love of God in our hearts, we should not allow to be tainted as what should be secret and sacred morphs into selfishness, and mere means of stroking our egos.

In Matthew 6: 1 it reads: “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. And in verse 3 it goes on to tell us But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,  so that your giving may be in secret.

God is not at all pleased when we boast about the good we have done.  If true be told we could never beat God giving so what other that flesh would give us the inkling to boast.

Matthew 6:5 goes on to tell us about our acts of prayer.  Prayer is communicating with God.  It should not be mocked, ridiculed org bought before Him to exalt our flesh.  Corporate prayer is fine, partnering in prayer with another is also acceptable.  But if you read the scriptures you will find that Jesus never prayed with his disciples, not because it is ungodly, but likely to provide emphasis on how sacred and intimate prayer is.

We must alway pray with complete reverence for whom we are praying to God, the Alpha and Omega, the one who is the beginning and the end,  the Creator of all things, the one who knows all, and see all

And last but not least our fasting should not be done, the bible says like hypocrites complaining or boasting of our sacrifice.  The bible is clear when we shift the focus off God to us, He will not honor or bless our sacrifice.

Anything that we sacrifice unto God should be done without, moaning, groaning, complaining, or seeking the attention or approval from others.  The Word of God tells us to do things exalting Him in our hearts, as a secret, intimate love exchange between us and him.  God says what we do to honor him in secret, He will reward us openly for. 

So ssh, keep it a secret