Blessings Or Distractions

Published: April 7, 2022, 4 a.m.

What you just heard was a excerpt from Wednesday Nights Bible study and the reading Living Bible translation of Proverbs 11.  This verse focuses on our character and how we are to conduct ourselves in business.We live in a world that makes up its own rules concerning both what is acceptable character and how business should be handled and both is often measured by the profitability of incidents.

When the verse speaks of “proud men”, please note the biblical definition of “pride” is ​​ unwarranted confidence in and attention to one’s own skills, accomplishments, state, possessions, or position. Pride is often easier to recognize than to define, and always easier to recognize in others than in oneself.

The scripture tells us that proud men end in shame, as pride is rebellion against God. Proud persons do not think it necessary to ask forgiveness because they often are too arrogant to admit their wrongs to others or even their sins to God.

Honesty, falls contrary to pride as it is noble, dignified and exalted in humility. As believers we are charged to uphold honesty. Those who operate in a prideful manner are likely to be found a person who does not uphold godly principles and justify cheating.

Don’t be deceived, the prideful have a tendency to gain wealth, but scripture is clear “riches won’t help you on Judgment Day; only righteousness counts then”.