Blame It On JESUS!

Published: March 27, 2022, 1 p.m.

We all look for someone to blame when things go wrong. Lord knows when I was a child when my mother would ask me who did this. If I had anyone to blame, trust would have been shifted immediately.

But isn’t it funny when things are going right, when a victory is won,  or things work according to plans, no one has an issue with staking claim as being the one responsible. 

I want to talk to you this morning about the blame game when you are a servant for the Kingdom of God. You know when you are walking in obedience to the Word of God, living according to the examples set by Jesus Christ.  

When our actions and reactions reflect a relationship with God and we walk in what God has called us to be, which is light in darkness, we can then blame our actions and reactions on Jesus.

When we walk in forgiveness and pray for those who have wronged us and people look at us and don’t understand this unconventional attitude we’re committed to,  we can blame it on Jesus. 

We get to blame it on Jesus because you are just following the instructions he gave in Luke 6:27-28 when he said, I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you  and pray for those who abuse you.

When we stand as peacemakers in turbulent situations, blame it on Jesus because we are just trying to stay connected to the blessing of God and maintain our position in the Kingdom of God.

We can blame our peacemaking persona on Jesus because  in Matthew 5:9, He said  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall BE called the children of God, we can blame Jesus for our peacemaking efforts.

When we have committed our bodies to celibacy until marriage and the world deems us crazy, too righteous and not realistic concerning our beliefs, we can blame it on Jesus and profess that because of the Word of God, we understand that what feels good to the body and is outside of the mandate of godliness is not good for the body.

Because in 1 Cor 6:18 reads we are to flee from sexual sin, for it a sin against our own bodies. 

So when you can look at the fine man or that sexy woman and lust after knowing what’s in their hearts and mind over how they can satisfy your flesh, blame it on Jesus.