BE HATED.. for all the right reasons

Published: May 24, 2022, 5 a.m.

We live in a day and time were everyone wants to be popular, where "likes" have become  accolades we have become addicted to. 

 But as children of God, if everything you stand for and stand against, everything you say, everything you do is liked and boasted by the masses you are likely not living according the the mandate of God, nor are you likely fulifilling His ordained purpose for your life.

As Children of God we are not ordained to complained, nor were we created to be people-pleasers.  We were created with purpose to be God-pleasers,  to walk in dominion,  to bring solutions to problems,  and functionality to dysfunction.  

Imagine the joy we bring God when He is able to look at us, His children and know that the world hates us for all the right reasons.