BE FRUITFUL: Not Low Hanging Fruit

Published: Dec. 1, 2021, 5 a.m.

Be fruitful and multiply this is a mandate of God.  The shallowness of our mind leads us to believe the scripture is referring to the producing of children.  In one natural respect it is, but we also know that God is all about the Kingdom of Heaven, which is about souls.  To be fruitful is about being committed to the planting of seed God’s way, the fertilizing of the soil God’s way as well as obtaining and maintaining a harvest God’s way.  

Fruitfulness is about fertilizing the soil in our lives and bring forth souls as fruit as a harvested offering to the Kingdom of God.

You can physically produce all the children your heart desires and that your body can produce, just like you can draw in enough people into a church building where all that is left is standing room only, but if God is not the center of your purpose if what you have accomplish does not exalt of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, then all you have done, all you have accomplished is for naught.  If the fruit produced cannot be presented to be feasted upon at the Kings table, then it is of no benefit to the Kingdom.

In Matthew 7:16 the scripture tells us  “You will know them by their fruit,” Jesus gave the illustration of grape vines and fig trees. When we see grape vines, we expect them to contain grapes in season. We also expect fig trees to produce figs. A produce farmer who notices one of his fruit trees not bearing harvestable fruit, he deems it useless and cuts it down. 

In Mark 11:1, )Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem,  and He was hungry and saw a fig tree in the distance that had leaves on it . When he came to the tree expecting to  find something to eat, instead discovered that the fig tree had no fruit on it and cursed the tree saying, “May no fruit ever come from you again!” 

See at a distance the tree look good, it look like it had bore fruit, but when Jesus approached the tree, to pull from it fruit, he was able to see that there was actually not fruit on the very tree that looked like it was full of life

Symbolically, the fig tree represented the spiritual deadness of Israel, who while very religious outwardly with all the sacrifices and ceremonies, were spiritually barren because of their sins and their disobedience to God.