Ask The Children

Published: May 15, 2022, 4 a.m.

I was watching a news segment the other morning and it was talking about the outbreak of violence in our school systems.  Now these incidents are newsworthy because they are fist fights, but the school board representative said they are seeing more discord amongst our children than ever before.  He went on to say the name-calling and lack of mutual respect is also at an all time high.

They contributed some of this behavior to the pandemic, with the lack of socialization during lock down, civic unrest, and economic fall out.  But the number one cause they say they can contribute to this rise of discord amongst our children is due them watching and imitating the adults they see on television, shows, social media, the news, in their neighborhoods and yes in some cases even in their homes.

Our children are watching us, our children are imitating us. Everywhere they turn they see people engaging in slander, and name calling, on the reality shows, in public places, on social media, between our politicians.

Civic conversations have been dismissed from our norms, we can’t disagree without slander and physical threat of an uproar and our children are watching.  But what concerns me even more is that most of our children are witnessing all of this chaos without a filter rooted in godliness.

I titled this sermon this morning, Ask the children?

Because as much as we may engage with our children, if we are not teaching them about God, prayer and faith, we are not adequately preparing them for their future in this world.

Ask your children, your grandchildren? Who is God, How does he relate to Jesus, what is the bible, why do we pray, what is faith.

Some of you may be thinking well my child is too young.  If they can talk and comprehend they are not too young for you to start teaching them about God, to pray with them, to lay a foundation of faith.  I know it's considered old school now, but it's time we recognized old school needs to be revised and made, “new school” but there was a time when Children’s Sunday school existed and from ages 3 up you were in Sunday school.  There was a time when there was vacation Bible School.  (I am not suggesting anyone go to church as much as I did growing up….)

But what I am suggesting is that parents, grandparents and guardians set the tone for God in their home that engages and teaches our children about God and His Word. As adults we engage in church, dial into the prayer line, attend conferences, but we allow days, weeks, and months to go by without tapping in with our children about God.

Proverbs 22:6 reads “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”