Aren't You Sick & Tired?

Published: June 22, 2022, 4 a.m.

Today’s message kind of piggybacks off of yesterday's message on faith vs. belief.  And maybe it’s just me.  But aren’t you all just sick and tired of all the foolishness we are having to contend with in the world.

The biggest thing I believe is causing so much frustration and stress is all of this talk about the coming of a depression.  Tell me this, why are those who claim to be in a relationship with God worried about depression.

If prices go up, is our God not able to increase our income, and increase His favor to cover the difference.  I am telling, we have God looking at us shaking His head, amazed at how quickly we allow the world, unbelievers and situations to prompt us to lose faith in Him.

Why is it we are so enthralled with the word, “depression”.  Depressions have been occurring since biblical days, they were called famines.  But after every famine those who walked with faith in God came through the days of famine better than they were when the famine started and you know why because it's in times of famine, times of depression, when more prayers are lifted, when all we can put our trust in is God. 

Globally we just came through a pandemic. Although many lives were lost in our country, citizens of this nation, if truth be told, didn’t rely on God to pull them through to be their provision, they leaned on the government for all kinds of stimulus provisions.  That is blatantly clear because threw all that we went through this nation, or none the renowned religious leaders called for a day of prayer.

And you all are surprised, or disgruntled because we now are looking in the face of depression.  During the time of King Ahab, “the famine was severe in Samaria” (1 Kings 18:2). It’s no coincidence that Ahab had previously “set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal that he built in Samaria. God had been crystal clear concerning His law which says if they served false gods, then there would be famine in the land. Ahab, like this nation has, bowed to false gods, and God allowed a famine to plague the land during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel should have been no surprise to anyone then and should be of no surprise to us today.

Depression and famine level the playing fields, the weak get weaker,  and the rich get richer and those in between either use their faith and wisdom to work for them or they buckle under the pressure and will spiritually or physically die.