Published: July 3, 2022, 5 a.m.

This message was not inspired to support or degrade the act of abortion or even women’s rights because both of these issues are minute when compared to the issue of the deity of God and the consistency of Christianity.  Because if truth be told you cannot serve God and walk concurrently in hypocrisy, it's impossible and I will explain exactly what I mean momentarily.

Today, my message is not for those struggling with their faith, or who don’t know whether they believe in God or not.  If either of these descriptions fit you, I welcome you to listen and I promise you will be edified.  But I will be primarily talking to those who say they believe in God, say they have a relationship with God, say they trust in God, say they know him to be all-knowing, omnipresent and all-powerful, and say they know and embrace that God makes no mistakes.

Let me make this perfectly clear: the Bible tells us our bodies belong to God, and according to the Word of God, we will have to give account to God how we use what belongs to Him.  But what I want to also make perfectly clear is God doesn’t force Himself, His Doctrine or even His Word on anyone. 

In  Acts 7:51 you see the scripture reads “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you.” 

What is made very clear in that passage is that we have the freedom, so much so that we can opt to even embrace or resist the Holy Spirit, which is in essence God in spirit.

Free will is a gift from God.  A gift the all-knowing God knew that we would use to sin against Him. Don’t ever think for one moment, anything ever catches God by surprise and yet He gave us free will as a gift.

We also have to be mindful that anything given to us by God is full of purpose, and should not be violated or compromised.  The moment we choose to violate, compromise, taint, alter or tweek the free will of an individual we have essentially promoted our will above the will of God which in itself is ungodly, sinful, and even blasphemous.

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the opening passage of our constitution, allow me to read it to you; 

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

“Liberty” is defined as “the right and the power to believe, act, and express oneself as one chooses. Liberty is being free from restriction and having the freedom of choice. It is the condition of having the power to act and speak without restraints.”Which also relates to the free will given us by God.  Because He has put in place His laws, mandates, and commandment, even gave us intuition and gut feeling to gut and jolt the conscientiousness of minds.  And God holds us responsible just like our government for our actions and behaviors. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death.  Not spiritual death but separation from the joy of life as ordained by, separation from God Himself

Many have asked me, “Pastor how can you be anti-abortion and pro-choice, isn’t that contradictory”.  Not at all, we get so caught up in this ride-or-die, all-in mentality concerning everything but the Word of God. 

I believe the prevention of life is not the will of God, but I support the choice of a woman based solely on the free-will God gave her.