Answers From Eden

Published: Sept. 26, 2023, 10 p.m.

In the garden of Eden there are so many answers, so many revelations, so many lessons that can provide insight to much of what we struggle to overcome.

This morning I want to journey back to the Garden of Eden to provide you some revelation about your free-will.

I want you to think about it for a moment, God could have easily made the Tree of life inaccessible to Adam and Eve, but He didn’t.  He placed it in the middle of the Garden and gave Adam instructions to not eat from it.

Why?  Did the all-knowing God not know that the tree would bear fruit, Did he not know the fruit it would bear would be pleasing to the eye?  

So why didn’t He just do what we do to our children when we don’t want them to have access to something?  We put it up and out of their reach.

Are we smarter than God?