Age Is Nothing But A Number

Published: Aug. 6, 2023, 1 p.m.

Our human minds have been tainted with predispositions concerning age.  We are quick to assume someone is too young for this or too old for that. 

Our Bibles tend to tell a different story.  Our Bibles provide us with insight that proclaims loud and clear that AGE IS NOTHING BUT A NUMBER.  

We tend to boast the ages in the middle of what we gauge as young and old as being the best years of our lives.  Now, if we were honest with ourselves that middle age span is where we make the biggest mistakes and exalt the most sins against God. 

Come on you know in our 20s we are like teenagers on steroids, in our 30s the concept of complete freedom from parental guidance has us in such a foolish state of mind that our mistakes and sins are made solely from nurturing an attitude of arrogance 

And then in our 40s our priorities begin to shift, but our new refined character tends to also boast a tint of self-centeredness birthed out of disappointments and life’s hiccups,  making us boldly announcing with a shade of entitlement, I’m just going to do me. 

As we approach 50 and settle into our 60s and 70s -  wisdom, balance, and the residue of many life lessons began to guide and guard us.

But the problem with this is oftentimes at this age, we allow what we have lived through to guide and guard us too much as we begin discounting possibilities and counting down our days left as opposed to God's “purposed” plan being still in effect.

The lifeline I have just journeyed through with you is indicative of a journey of mindsets that are absent of or sometimes inconsistent concerning one’s commitment to God.  

Have no fear we have all been inconsistent in our faith walk at one time or another.  We all have had to revamp, recalculate, realign, and reset at various points in life.  

The first lesson of maturity we will learn today is that a mature mind seeks the heart and Word of God. And in doing so, we come to realize and admit we are out of alignment and then we inhale Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”

The one thing we know is the absolute truth about our youth is that it is a time when we tend to be more fearless than we will ever be in our life. Why?  Because….

The young think outside of boundaries.  The young have a grand imagination and an attitude that says they are unstoppable, invincible.

The sad commentary is the older we get the more we look a the characteristic of the young and discount them as silly, foolish, and immature.

But let’s hear the words of scripture In Matthew 18:1-5 Jesus says “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 

God looks at the characteristics of the young and He desires us to have and maintain these characteristics.