A Kiss

Published: Dec. 3, 2020, 11 a.m.

A kiss can be oh so innocent, denoting something as guiltless  as a friendship or  family kinship .  It can also be exchanged in a fiery moment between lovers that could escalate into something more intense.  When we think of a kiss we think likely about these two kinds of kisses.  But there is also a kiss of death.  In the world of a crime family, this kiss means that the person who is marked for death.  Funny how the world uses biblical reference to uphold their own traditions, because Jesus was betrayed by a kiss.

The Bible tells as Judas approached Jesus to kiss him, Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” for Jesus knew that who Judas kissed was a message to those who had been looking to kill him that he was in fact exactly who they were looking for.  www.BibleDeliverance.org
