A BIRTHDAY MESSAGE: Should Christians Celebrate?

Published: Aug. 24, 2022, 9 p.m.

I remember my Aunt Reidy who was determined to stay up all night so she could witness her 80th birthday come in because that was a milestone her mother or father didn’t have an opportunity to celebrate.  With all the death and dysfunction, life and milestones should not be ignored.

There is no biblical mandate against a Christian celebrating birthdays, nor is there anything to indicate we are required to observe them. Scripturally speaking, whether we as Christians celebrate birthdays or not is a non-issue. 

The Bible does mention two individuals celebrating birthdays: the Egyptian Pharaoh in Joseph’s time (Genesis 40:20) and King Herod in Jesus’ time (Matthew 14:6; Mark 6:21). 

Some want to use these two birthday celebrations as evidence that celebrating birthdays is wrong;  because both men were non-believing individuals, so the thought process is that a birthday celebration is seen as some form of a pagan ritual or practice.

However, that conclusion is NOT founded biblically in either passage. The Bible does not even hint that it was wrong for Pharaoh or Herod to celebrate their birthdays. 

The Word of God is consistent and can be trusted, so we have to believe and trust that if the celebrating of a birthday was against the will or mandate of God, He would have made it clear as He does with everything that He finds displeasing.   The Scripture also does not indicate anywhere that a Christian was discouraged from celebrating a birthday.....
