90 Day Warranty

Published: Dec. 31, 2020, 11 a.m.

Just because a certain medicine doesn’t taste good doesn’t mean it won’t heal the body. The same with the Bible, the very fact that God can’t lie and the Word of God doesn’t change and has and will forever transcend time is the best life insurance policy available. 

Test it try it out. You say you don’t know where to start, start with your heart.  Whatever is on your heart, what ever is troubling you, whatever is confusing you, whatever you have questions about start with those things.  See what God says, extend to God at least that same as manufacturers extend to us, give God 90 days to show himself and once he come through extend the warranty to cover you for one year, then guaranteed you will enroll in his lifetime plan.

The word of God says to study to show thy self approved. If you want his approval on anything in your life, see what his word says follow His plan and you will obtain his approval.  There is no approval greater than God’s

Don’t be afraid to partner up with someone as you embrace this challenge Ecclesiastes 4:9-1Two are better than one, If either falls ,one can help the other up.  remember.
