2022 Memorial Day Tribute & Playlist

Published: May 29, 2022, 10 p.m.

As a nation we have set aside today to honor our fallen soldiers and our veterans. Soldiers who served and sacrificed their lives and livelihoods to protect our country.  The United States has an incredible track record of victory in battle and today we honor all those who made it possible.

John 15:13 reads  Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

We say to the veterans, soldiers and families who have suffered, lost and served diligently, we honor and we thank you.

I would be less than what God has called to be,  if I close out this message honoring those who have fought for the victories of this country and not address the dysfunction, discord and internal battle present today within our country.  As our citizens, members of our government and leaders  are consumed with coming against one another.

Popularity, judgment, blame, and degrading words has become the norm in  these “united states””. A country which has always professed to be one nation under God, indivisible. 

But we have reached a point in our history where we have  politicians comfortably stepping to podiums,  spewing ungodliness and absent of the quality of true  leadership. Whether you are democrat or republican, it does not matter, if you are a citizen of the United States you are a member of one team and its teamwork that makes the dream work.

True leaders, lead, direct, inspire and honor the omnipresence of God, not defame, blame and ridicule.  True leaders talk more about solutions than problems.  In Matthew 12:25 the word of God tells us “A nation divided against itself will be brought to desolation”.  

Let us not make a mockery of the victories we have won, by bringing our country to desolation through the hands of its own citizens.

I say to our leaders occupying positions in our government on state and federal levels and to those petitioning for leadership positions, accept the Word of God as the ultimate source of wisdom and govern yourselves accordingly.  

Please enjoy this Memorial Day, spend time with your families, thank a veteran and we hope our celebratory musical playlist adds to the delight of your day, Be Blessed.
