The Holy Grail: Holy Cup, Holy Bloodline, or Holy Hoax? | 78

Published: March 19, 2018, 7 a.m.


This week you\'ve chosen WISELY as we go in search of the cup of a carpenter and try to find the HOLY GRAIL. Or is it Jesus\' kids we\'re looking for? Or the cup with Jesus\' blood? I don\'t know but somehow Joseph of Arimathea is involved...and maybe King Arthur too. Confused yet? So is literally everyone throughout history that went in search of the Holy Grail (except Monty Python of course - they knew what was up). We grab our whips and fedoras this week to get to the bottom of it. Plus, Conspiracy Bot decides he\'s the second coming of Christ (he\'s not), Nazis somehow make their way into the episode (hey, if it\'s a supposedly powerful artifact that might or might not exist and is likely lost to time - Hitler searched for it), and we, of course, talk air speed velocities of unladen swallows (African AND European). All of that and more on the podcast that\\u2019s on a quest\\u2026to seek the Holy Grail - Hysteria 51.

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