EP 07 Regulating Regulating globalization and international trade PT 1: The World Trade Organization

Published: Aug. 31, 2020, 9:33 p.m.

b'As we have seen, globalization\\xa0is the economic integration of trade, production and finance on a world scale.\\xa0However, the process of\\xa0globalization\\xa0is not unfettered; it is regulated, by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO has an immense impact on our lives, but it is little known, and little understood. Moreover, given that there has been\\xa0a slowdown in\\xa0globalization\\xa0since 2008 it is important to understand how governments have responded. Finally, given the role of\\xa0globalization\\xa0in the contemporary world, we need to ask: has\\xa0globalization\\xa0contributed to global poverty and human inequality?\\xa0

In Part 1 of this Episode we will examine the organization, structure and purpose of the WTO.'