The Nose Knows Part II

Published: June 4, 2020, 5:59 p.m.

b"In part II of this episode, an ENT doctor from Chicago has decided that over 300 malpractice lawsuits are enough justification to abandon his current life in pursuit of something a little more adventurous.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nKarla goes to an impromptu wedding, food trucks, and Disney's porn collection. Please skip all of this at 15 minutes in for your own sanity I beg you!!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nUnoffendable Adults Only! NSFW! Explicit, crude, graphic content provided by three unbalanced family members...proceed at your own risk!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nFor more of our Patreon episodes, follow the link below for just a $1 a month gets you two extra episodes each month!!Subscribe to our Patreon at\\xa0\\xa0\\nLive show update!!! Our live show has been moved to July 18th 2020 still at the Vogue at 3:00 pm. Visit\\\\xa0for more information.\\xa0\\nWe have some merchandise available!\\xa0\\xa0\\nFind us:\\\\xa0and\\\\xa0Like us on Facebook:\\\\xa0Check out our website at\\\\xa0for pictures and show notes"