Herbert Hicks, Head in Hands

Published: Oct. 18, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

b"Four criminals in 1936 quickly discover the difference between \\u201cquicklime\\u201d and \\u201cslacked lime\\u201d when the head and hands of a man are discovered encased in cement in two feet of water near Carrollton, Kentucky\\nBut first tall buildings are cool, more South Park, Daniel\\u2019s new hobby, and birthday fails. Skip this garbage by jumping to 20:30 minutes in.\\nPromo: We Too @WeTooPodcast\\nUnoffendable Adults Only! NSFW! Explicit, crude, graphic content provided by three unbalanced family members...proceed at your own risk! Rate-Review-Subscribe on iTunes we are also on Spotify, podBean, Stitcher, and Google Play\\xa0\\nWe have some merchandise available!\\xa0https://www.teepublic.com/user/hoosierhomicide Don't forget our patreon only episodes are up at\\xa0www.patreon.com/hoosierhomicide\\xa0\\nFind us:\\xa0instagram.com/hoosierhomicide\\xa0and\\xa0twitter.com/Hoosierhomicide\\xa0Like us on Facebook:\\xa0www.facebook.com/hoosierhomicide\\xa0Check out our website at\\xa0www.hoosierhomicide.com\\xa0for pictures and show notes"