Thomas Hermans-Webster: the Eucharist for Planetary Dining

Published: May 30, 2022, 2:45 p.m.

b'Pumped to have my friend and fellow Process theologian, Thomas Hermans-Webster, on the podcast! He is Assistant Professor of United Methodist Church Studies at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkely, CA. We had a bunch of fun discussing a host of things including…
\\n* How Thomas from Alabama became a Process theologian
\\n* the Perkins style of Process theology & influence of Charles Hartshorne
\\n* Liberation as Good News
\\n* who is Norman Pittenger? You can check out his books here.
\\n* shout out to previous guest and Process ecclesiologist Timothy Murphy:\\xa0Social Justice, Conflict, and Process Ecclesiology with\\xa0
\\n* what’s a process theology understanding of the Eucharist?
\\n* “the Eucharist is the characteristic act of the Church” – Pittenger’s Eucharistic provocation
\\n* A Process Theology of the Eucharist for Planetary Dining
\\n* Tom’s ecological awakening in college & the role of Sister Hazel
\\n* thinking theologically about the UMC break-up
\\n* the kinship angle when thinking about the church
\\nThis Episode is Sponsored by the Pacific School of Religion
\\nYou can learn more about the\\xa0Pacific School of Religion,\\xa0its online and on-campus programs, and set up a time to talk to an admission team member here.
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