Episode #50 | Spider-Man + His Amazing Friends vs. Spider-Man (1990s)

Published: Aug. 18, 2020, midnight

b'Kristen returns for the big 50th Episode!\\n\\nGrab your pop corn and tune in for the Golden Anniversary episode of Here Comes The Spider-Cast! We are taking a quick break from comics this week to focus on some retro Spidey cartoons.\\n\\nFirst up is Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends Episode #21: "Origin of the Spider-Friends", which reveals how Spidey first met Firestar and Iceman.\\nThen we jump to the pilot episode of the 90s Spider-Man cartoon: "Night of the Lizard".\\nSpecial guest Kristen Siapas joins Joshua Murr-VELL, Mike-EL & G.I.Jolie to celebrate 50 *big* episodes!\\n\\nTo see the *video* of this episode, click on: https://youtu.be/gG4T-oMHQzM'