Captain Midnight - Episode 41 and 42 - The Room - The Trap - Dec 22 and 25, 1939

Published: Sept. 26, 2021, 8:19 p.m.

Juvenile adventure serial broadcast from 1938-49. Stars David O'Brien. This was a syndicated series. Aired on WGN Chicago and then the Mutual Radio Network until 1942 when it went to NBC Blue Network (later to become ABC). When FCC broke up NBC Network... Captain Midnight went back to the Mutual Radio Network. The show was known for the imaginative use of exciting technological advancements to create narrative thrills that hopefully inspired the show's young audiences to dream of future technology. Series was based on a WW I aviator Captain Jim "Red" Albright, who was always sent on high-risk missions with instructions to return by the stroke of midnight. All Capt. Midnight episodes are in the "Captain Midnight" Playlist.