Heel Marks 100: Ciampa is CHAMPA!

Published: July 27, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

b'The Heel Marks have turned 100! Enjoy a very special episode as Brady and Danielle listen to shout outs from fans, reminisce about everything from \\u201cBut Dad\\u201d to JinderVeinia and of course do what they do best - talk wrestling! The Miz makes his second appearance on the podcast....if anyone would like to let him know. The women\\u2019s Evolution has made history yet again. Will we see an increase in female storylines leading up to the big event? Is a battle of the Bros on the way? Elias has a fire album, Orton is spitting fire on the mic, and Ciampa (who is on fire) is now the CHAMPA! All this and the returns of Salty Sunil and the M2J Poetry SLAM! on Heel Marks 100!

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